ITV has announced its decision to launch a couple of channels through Sky+HD’s subscription package come October 2010. With ambitious plans of launching ITV2 HD, ITV3 HD, and ITV4 HD, ITV aspires to increase its viewership in a big way.
Beginning with the start of The Xtra Factor, which will mark the launch of ITV2 HD in October followed by ITV 3 HD and ITV 4 HD in the coming months, ITV will mark its foray into pay television through Sky.
Presently, ITV2, ITV3 and ITV4 are extremely successful digital channels and by further introducing them on High Definition platform, ITV aspires to reach out to more viewers.
ITV aims at increasing its revenue channels by offering its programmes and content across many platform under its ITV Transformation Plan as announced by Adam Crozier, chief executive of ITV plc.
This strategy has been worked out after in depth study of the progress of pay television over the past decade. This current marketing strategy can be viewed as an exercise in checking out how successful can a be subscription based channel programme can be implemented along with a set of free to air channels.
On the other hand, ITV is said to be bouncing back to better financial positions as it has accounted a pre-tax profit figure of £97 million for the six months to June 30 2010. The hosting of the World Cup could have help it to recover considerably.
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